March 21, 2001

Some Sun 24° C/ 10°C

A árvore da minha janela está cheia de folhinhas verdes! Spring is definitely here!!

Blackouts por todo canto, aqui na Califórnia. A coisa ta literalmente preta...... A Marianne me disse que ficou sem eletricidade por 40 minutos ontem. Aqui não teve, porque eu acho que eles estão tentando poupar o campus e eu tenho a sorte de morar dentro dele.

Quesadillas são deliciosas! No suplemento Taste do SacBee, um monte de receitas das tortillas com queijo mexicanas! Hummmmm!!

Também sou do fã clube do Benicio Del Toro, como a Flávia e a Lu. Ontem li a entrevista que o guapo deu pra revista TALK , onde ele está lindamente ilustrando a capa, numa pose super cool [ ‘he is so anticool, he’s cool’, diz o artigo]. Aqui vai um trechinho da entrevista, para as tietes!!!

TALK: You’re 34. Any significant other in your life?
Del Toro: What do you mean by that?
T: I mean, like a….
DT: Get to the point, huh?
T: I mean, a person that you kiss hard on the mouth.
DT:[heavy sigh]
T: Are you nodding a yes?
DT: That’s for me to know and for you to find out.
T: Okay, I’m finding out.
DT: Well, you’re not going to get it from me… What do you mean? Do I, like….?
T: …have a girlfriend?
DT: No. A girlfriend is someone you’re with most of the time, right?
T: Right.
DT: No. Right now I’m going fast – a rolling stone gathers no moss – I’m going to start a movie pretty soon and it’s like, whoa.
T: Do you have a boyfriend?
DT: Do you mean that I kiss on the mouth?
T: Yeah.
DT: No that I know of.
T: You’re breaking hearts all over the place.
DT: Why?
T: I’m sure your website gets hit millions of times a week by men who are in love with you too. You’re the kind of guy women love and men love.
DT: Okay. What am I supposed to do?
T: You’re not supposed to do anything.
DT: okay, it’s a good thing. That’s who I am.

Fer Guimaraes Rosa - March 21, 2001 10:06 AM