January 25, 2005

die mommie die

Com uma sinopse dessas, dá pra não alugar esse filme?

The year is 1967, and Angela Arden (cross-dresser Charles Busch) is a washed-up pop singer who's married to Sol (Philip Baker Hall) but is involved with an unemployed actor named Tony (Jason Priestley). When Sol turns up dead, all fingers point to Angela. Leading the charge is Angela's daughter Edith (Natasha Lyonne), who's eager to get even by killing her mother. Edith's brother (Stark Sands), however, is not so sure that mom is to blame.

Die Mommie Die já está na minha loooongaaaaa lista do Netflix. Hoho!

Fer Guimaraes Rosa - January 25, 2005 6:53 PM

Carol, por $18 mensais eu já vi 15 filmes em 30 dias. esta bom, neh? mas tem que ter disciplina - filmes, so a noite! :-)


Ai, Fer, que inveja... queria tanto ter netflix por aqui... aí é que eu iria ficar o dia inteiro na frente da tv mesmo;-)